Neural Networks Notes 1 Introduction
Neural Networks
Neural Networks Introduction
- Computational paradigm based on biological nervous system
Brain: $10^{10}$ neurons, $10^{4}$ fan in, $10^{14}$ connection strengths
NN learning
NN does not know anything they learnt.
- Initial random paramters (weights)
- Small modifications to weights on each presentation of data
- Simple networks can be set up directly
NN processing
- Input new patterns
- Propagate activations along (weighted) links
- Repeat training
Computational model of a single neuron
McCulloch & Pitts
N binary inputs x1,x2,…,xN
1 binary output y
threshold $\theta$
N weights w1,w2,…,wN
w is 1 or -1
y(x) = 1 iff xi * wi >= threshold for all i
Gating network with memory
weights not fixed
random interconnections
learn from experience
Gradient descent
Partial derivative of a function tells us how to change $w$ to minimise $f(w)$.
Gradient descent updates the parameter vector $w$, using the partial derivatives of the error function to minimise the error.
Computational model of Perceptron
weights learned from data